BTI Consortium Certificate Programs
The BTI Consortium offers three certificates: Religion and Conflict Transformation (RCT), Interreligious Leadership (IL), and International Mission and Ecumenism (IME). These certificates supplement a full degree from BTI member schools and are available only to students who meet the criteria.
Drawing on the strengths and expertise of our faculty, these programs provide additional learning opportunities. While not accredited degrees, your school may add them to your transcript (contact your home registrar for details).
Religion and Conflict Transformation
The Certificate in Religion and Conflict Transformation, awarded by the BTI Consortium, recognizes courses taken in this field at member schools, work in the field, and a capstone integrative presentation. Overseen by the Director of the Boston University School of Theology Tom Porter Program on Religion and Conflict Transformation and the BTI Consortium, this certificate is not a degree but acknowledges your specialized interest within your broader studies.
For more information, and to register with the program, contact the RCT office at
rct@bu.edu and CC us at btioffice@bostontheological.org.
Download the summary flyer outlining requirements and steps for the RCT Certificate
Step 1
Inform Your
Academic AdvisorTell your advisor you want the RCT BTI Consortium certificate.
Step 2
Register with RCT
At Boston University School of Theology:
Click Here!Register to get event info and invitations.
Sign up for the BU RCT newsletter! -
Step 3
Review Courses
Approved Courses for the RCT Certificate and
required core course listed below.
Submit alternative courses for approval: rct@bu.edu -
Step 4
Submit Application
Complete the RCT/BTI Consortium Google Form Certificate Application
(Submit after meeting requirements)
Deadline: March 1st (Spring graduation) -
Step 5
Plan for Graduation
For Fall Graduation: Contact RCT office for Capstone Seminar details.
Seminar may be the Spring before or after graduation.Spring Capstone Presentations in late April each year
BUSTH RCT Office Contact
Additional Resources
Interreligious Leadership
The BTI Consortium Certificate in Interreligious Leadership recognizes students who take Interreligious/Interfaith courses and apply these skills practically at BTI schools and community organizations. Coordinated by the Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership at Hebrew College with input from BTI faculty, staff, and the Executive Director, it highlights your dedication and focus in this field.
Note that this certificate is not a degree but acknowledges your specialized interest within your broader studies.
Download the summary flyer outlining requirements and steps for the IL Certificate
Step 1
Submit your registration form as soon as possible
Indicate your enrollment in the certificate program to your academic advisor.
Step 2
Enroll in core course
January term at Hebrew College - register when you register for Spring semester courses. Usually the week of MLK, Jr. Day.
Step 3
Submit an annual progress report
To the BTI with any questions or concerns about your progress.
Step 4
Complete the extracurricular assignments
By November 1st (fall graduation) or April 1st (spring graduation).
Step 5
Submit the application for certificate completion
By November 1st (fall graduation) or April 1st (spring graduation), and submit your final reflection.
BTI Office Contact Information
Additional Resources
International Mission and Ecumenism
The BTI Consortium Certificate in International Mission and Ecumenism recognizes students for taking Mission and Ecumenism courses at BTI schools. Decided by a committee of BTI faculty, this certificate highlights your interests and efforts within your program. Note that this certificate is not a degree but acknowledges your specialized interest within your broader studies.
For more information, you can contact the faculty team: Fr. Luke Veronis (Holy Cross), Dana Robert (BU), Meg Guider (BC), or Todd Johnson (GCTS). If your school does not have a designated faculty member, please email the BTI office at btioffice@bostontheological.org.
Download the summary flyer outlining requirements and steps for the IME Certificate
Step 1
Meet with a BTI Consortium Mission and Ecumenism advisor from your school
If your school does not have a designated advisor, email us at the BTI Office.
Step 2
Submit your registration as soon as possible
…and certainly before your last semester!
Email the application to the BTI.
Step 3
Complete coursework and the extracurricular assignments
By April 1st, for spring graduation.
Contact your IME faculty for fall graduation information.
Step 4
Submit an application to complete the certificate
By April 1st, for spring graduation.
Contact your IME faculty for fall graduation information.
BTI Office Contact Information
Additional Resources
Costas Consultation
Annual Orlando E. Costas Consultation on Mission and Ecumenism
Join us each spring for the annual Orlando E. Costas Consultation focusing on international mission and ecumenism, held at a BTI member school.
Students receiving the BTI Consortium IMEC certificate will be awarded, and prizes for outstanding student essays in World Christianity and Mission, including a cash award, will be given.
Past Consultations
For details about the content of the 2024 Costas Consultation on the theme of indigenous Christianity and the power of listening. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 Costas Consultation on the theme of Spirituality and Trauma was held via Zoom.
Click below for the 2024 Paper Competition details. 2025 TBA